Friday, January 20, 2012

John Family Photo - 1939

Is this not a gem of a find??  Even better, is that my sister had all the information for who they all are.
On the occasion of my Great Grandparent's 50th Wedding anniversary in 1939. These are:

back row: Winifred Frost, Noel Frost, Ida (Adeline) Frost (with glasses) Elizabeth Frost, nee Boxall, David Frost, Thomas John, Elsie John, nee Frost, Dorothy Wyatt, nee Frost, Jack Ernest Styles(grandma's son by first marriage), Jim Wyatt 
middle row: Gwen John, John (Jack) Frost, Elizabeth Wyatt, Martha Frost nee Lawrence, Jean John 
front row: Marion Frost, Harold John, Elsy John, Enid Frost

I remember Aunty Ida in the early 70's - always playfully arguing with Grandma (Elsie John) about who was the elder.  I also remember going to visit Aunty Elsy somewhere near Essendon every Christmas and walking down to a local Nativity Display at night.  When I got my first car and headed out for a 'road-trip', somehow it was arranged that I visited Aunty Gwen who lived at that time (early 80's) in Tea-Tree Gully in South Australia.  Aunty Jean is the lovely lady who loaned me her photo albums, so I could scan these treasures.    And there is my Dad - pretty much as he was all through his life - front row, centre - surrounded by women!

I don't remember ever socialising with the Styles, Wyatt or Frosts.  Perhaps contact with these cousins dissolved by the early 1970s. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

So Many Surnames - We have to start somewhere!

Goodness Me!

So Many Surnames !!
I've been pottering around with Family History for over 20 years.  Sporadic to the extreme, often with years between fits of dabbling.
I admit that in my early enthusiasm, I posted on various tree websites, a family tree - Such long-ago passwords forgotten that I can no longer access my own information to edit my own tree.
So many computer crashes, where digital information is lost.  Thank goodness that I started up with a simple 3x5 index card system, which makes so much sense when I physically lay the cards out on the floor to trace ancestry.
Fast-Forward to 2012
A recent visit to my 92 year old Aunt and 90year old Aunt & Uncles in Law prompted a revival of family history.  That, and contact with a direct 3rd cousin from America via facebook.
The immediate result was scanning some borrowed photos and documents - and I know this will lead onto a further discovery and picture trail.
Perhaps I do this for myself, perhaps to assist my sons when they finally show some interest in the past - perhaps for future generations.
My sister has spent many years delving into family history, and I owe a great deal of thanks for the time she has invested.  In comparison, I am merely a hobbyist.  I hope not to lead anybody on incorrect pathways.
For future posts, I will endeavour to label each one with the relevant surname - for ease of searching.
Please bear with me as I develop this blog - it will be a constant work in progress.